While Fez became responsible for drug dealing and helping his grandmother run a shop as well as taking care of Ashtray, Marie's health became more and more deteriorated until one day when she collapsed on the bathroom's floor because of her occupation, calling 911 was not an option, so Fez decided to take Marie to the hospital alone by a car despite being too young to even drive, but Marie got help too late and was bedridden to the rest of her life, which left Fezco solely responsible for not only her drug business, but also running the store, and becoming the caretaker of both her and Ashtray. While Marie never directly apologized to Fez for what she did to him, deep down he knew that she was sorry and didn't mean to hurt him. Fez tried to stop Marie from beating the guy but instead, he accidentally got hit by her, which caused him a memory loss for at least two months, except few images and an overwhelming fear of who's gonna take care of Ashtray. Once she found him, she slowly approached him while he was eating a meal outside of the restaurant and attacked him with a crowbar. On one occasion, Marie went with Fezco to catch a client, called by her " Bowl-Cut" who was overdue with paying her money for drugs. Eventually, he was adopted by both Marie and Fez, who treated him like a family member from the start, even giving him an affectionate name "Ashtray" from the one time when he tried to eat discarded cigarettes from the ashtray. Fez tried to take care of the boy but no matter what he did, he couldn't stop crying as he was missing his mother. One day, a woman left Marie her baby until 10pm, but eventually she never came back for him. While Fez was quite a good student, especially at math, his grandma's drug dealing business made him unable to focus on school.

Marie taught Fez everything she knew about dealing drugs, and would even take him with her to make deals with her clients, as she was treating him more like her partner than an actual grandson. From that moment she became Fezco's caretaker. When Fez was still a child he was taken by his grandmother Marie O'Neill, a drug dealer, as his father was physically abusive to him, which led Marie to show up in his club one day and shoot him two times in his thighs for giving Fez a black eye.

Fez was born as a son of Paulie, a strip club manager and an unnamed mother he never met.